Our Approach

Collaboration lies at the heart of our creativity. It’s essential to understand the aims and ambitions of everything we design and make. Whether we’re designing a kitchen or dressing room, or resolving technical and construction details for architects and interior designers, our emphasis on collaboration ensures every client benefits from our creative and technical expertise.


Before we do anything, we listen.

Just as no two pieces of wood are identical, every project we work on is unique and presents its own aesthetic and design challenges.

It’s why visiting our client’s homes is fundamental to understanding the context, space and setting, enabling us to fully understand the vision for the finished project.



We’re as passionate about design as we are about craftsmanship.

Design is not just about how something looks, it’s about how it works and interacts with the environment it occupies. This principle influences everything we do, from design-led projects with private clients, to collaborating with architects and interior designers to identify and resolve technical issues. Clients may have a clear vision for their project, or may require our direction; either way, we provide guidance and inspiration at every stage.



Our cabinetmakers and finishers embrace both traditional hand skills and modern techniques, bringing a multitude of disciplines to every project to produce pieces that clearly demonstrate their love for their craft.

The final creation reflects the collaboration between our designers and craftspeople working together to make beautiful, enduring pieces.



Installation requires an equal measure of skill as our designers and makers.

Our fitters are experts in handling and installing the bespoke work we produce, which is grounded in their knowledge of the methods and materials involved.

Taking immense pride in their work, they work tirelessly to deliver the final piece of the journey.


After Care

Our service continues beyond the final handover. It’s why we provide a follow-up visit to ensure every element is working as intended.

Should any issues arise, we are always on hand to help resolve them quickly and precisely, with as little disruption as possible.

After Care